ESL lesson: Deals, Shopping part I

intended for: All levels at Korean high school

Time: 45-50 minutes

Materials: worksheets , ppt (shopping deals)

Aims: Learn shopping phrases and practice shopping conversations. This is part 1 of my lesson on shopping for students roleplay test. The ppt has a number review and a product discussion. Use either, none, or both.

Present: Present useful phrases for shopping. Have students repeat after you.

Practice: Call on students to practice the phrases you just taught. The ppt has questions and pictures which students can answers. ex, you say “Hello, how may I help you”. Student sees the picture of the rice cooker and should response “Excuse me, I’m looking for a rice cooker.”

Production: (more practice than production really) Hand students the two part worksheet. They must work in pairs. For part I, students want to buy a laptop and must choose the one they want to buy by filling in the dialogue. The matching slide shows three laptops. For part II, students decide what kind of candy they want and how many bags to get. The matching slide has three kinds of candy and their deals. 

Opt practice: Students may need to review their numbers. The beginning of the ppt has numbers to review. Explain the rules of the commas.

Opt production: The ppt has slides with a crappy LG flip Phone and a cool Samsung Galaxy. Suggest to the students that their parents will buy them one fo these phones. ask them which phone they want and list reasons to buy Galaxy phone and then reason to buy the LG phone. This gets students to think more deeply about what they are actually looking for when shopping. 

Outcome: Not a special lesson but the practice dialogues are pretty good. These are a great way to get students to start using appropriate shopping conversations without a) them having to form a dialogue from scratch and b) them just reading from a already formed script. 

ESL Lesson: Who is your hero?

intended for: Most levels at Korean high school

time: 45-60 minutes.

materials: printed out worksheets (heroes), and ppt ( heroesppt1)

Aims: Students will work with vocabulary for the characteristics of heroes and the different titles( jobs, etc) of heroes. make sure to school them about some Tesla. the lesson isn’t anything special but I think the materials are pretty boss.

Present: Present the list of characteristics and let students write the Korean translation of the words. Let students repeat after you. Next, present on the people. Let students guess who the hero is. Explain a little bit about each hero, where they are from, why they are famous and what is their title and characteristics. Have students complete the translations for the titles on their worksheet.

Practice: Have students match the characteristics to the actions for part I. Have students match the title to the person for part II. Go over the answers.

Production: Present the three main questions, who is your hero? what did he/she do? why is he/she your hero? Present the example paragraph. Have students write similar paragraphs.

Outcomes: This was a prep lesson for speaking tests. So I didn’t urge the students to complete a perfect paragraph. I really just wanted them to start using the vocabulary and start thinking of who their hero might be.

for educational use only. do not sell this.